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Re: MG Curious

To: "Michael Heinich" <>
Subject: Re: MG Curious
From: (Williams/MG Guy)
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 1996 19:22:59 -0300 (ADT)
Greetings Michael, from Canada's Atlantic coast!

Regarding your question - I have two words - DO IT!

Based on your description:
>I need a second car that 
>will not get a heck alot of driving, probably 100-200 miles a month 
>and maybe a 1 or 2 large trips(500-1000 miles)  a year.

The MGB will fit your needs perfectly.

>Both my wife and I like the looks of MG's and I am trying to find out 
>more about them.

You've come to the right place!

>I have not had the chance to drive one and so do 
>not know how they handle or how roomy they are inside.   I am 6'3 
>with a longish torso (headroom).  I think that the MGB's are bigger 
>then the Midgets so I am looking at them.

They handle like a dream, and yes, the B has more room for those legs that
must accompany your 6'3 frame! The B is indeed roomier than the Midget.

>Are they a high maintenance car?  I am not a mechanical genius so 
>would not be able to do alot of work to my car.

Like any piece of machinery, they require a consistant degree of
maintenance, a regular schedule will help you avoid constant pitfalls. Also,
the quality and the condition of the car you choose will play a major role.
The upside is that they are very simple, basic cars, perfect for working
your way towards mechanical genius! I'm not a mechanic either, but I do most
of the work myself. It's not difficult at all - mostly it's common sense,
this list, and a network of British car affecianados! Many of which you'll
find once you get involved with the hobby.

BTW - wherein the world are you?


Terry Williams
'70 BGT
'68 roadster

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