Greetings List!
At the risk of starting a minor opinion war I respectfully request the list
wisdom on the application of wrinkle paint. What is the best brand? What
are the secrets of the masters in successfull application?
I have located a very straight and complete dash for my GT for $45
(Canadian!, sans instruments) to replace the DPO butcher job which confronts
me every time I slide into the pilot's seat. All it requires is touch up
paint below the ignition switch and repair of a scratch in front of the
copilots chair (perhaps a fit of pique from the DPO's better half...?). I'd
like to strip and redo the entire thing before installation. I've heard
that getting good results from wrinkle paint is kind of hit-or-miss at best
and impossible at worst?
O, great spirits of dash rejuvination! Share with me, your humble
supplicant, the sum of your wisdom!
Beseechingly, I remain
___ \______ Ross MacPherson
/ __ \ __ / /------|)
/ (___)---------/ (___) Vancouver, BC, Canada
1947 MG-TC 3528 1966 MGB-GT