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Subject: Regrets
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 12:48:26 -0400
Scotty, and all friends at Indy:

Alas, Rags & I will not be going to Indy after all. :(  Neither of us can do
it, really.  Noone's heard much from me lately because I've been up to my
ears in business (it is my busy season, after all) and taking the occasional
moment to work on Rags. Just went to the frame shop yesterday, actually. I'll
know today what really happened. Took me a long time to get the hardware back
on her for going over there; work, work, and more work.  Finally got the
wheels finished Sunday night, in between the Father's Day celebration &
finishing up a draft proposal for a client.

Although I'll probably get Rags back tomorrow or Thursday, since I have a
seminar, a jury duty meeting, a camping trip with the offspring and one major
client presentation to do between now and Sunday night, I rather doubt I'll
have time to replace the motor mounts, refit the header, finish installation
of the rack, tune the brakes, and then check the car over by Monday evening.
:(  Rags has been off the road for 10 months now; I'd rather not have her
maiden voyage with all the new components be a 1,000 mile run into unknown

So, enjoy Indy. Drink a few for me. I'll be tearful but anxious to hear how
things go. I regret not being able to meet the lot of you there, but realism
has reared its ugly head, and I'm bound to stay here for the duration.

75 MGB 'Rags'
still in drydock...

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