Ric Hamilton questioned:
> >Denise Thorpe responded:
> > Once the chrome carriage bolt turns like that, the trick is to file
> >a screwdriver slot into the head of the bolt. If you're not good with a
> >file, it's a good idea to put duct tape on the bumper around where you're
> >filing. Good luck!
> >
> Sorry to be a buttinski but couldn't you use ..um.. let's see where did I
> put that thing,... ummm here it is, a Dremel tool for the same effect?
I s'pose so. But the screwdriver slot in the bolt head needs to be narrow
and have perfectly square edges or the screwdriver will slip out. I don't
know about you, but I wouldn't want a grinding stone that thin to be
spinning at that speed anywhere near me. Besides, those things have a
tendency to walk and no amount of duct tape will stop one. I use the thin
edge of a jeweller's file. It doesn't take that long and then there are no
Denise Thorpe