Jay Tilton asked:
> Denise Thorpe wrote:
> >Hello. Since we've now been properly introduced, I can tell you that I
> >own three MG 1100's--two '63's and a '65. All of them ran and were
> >registered a few years ago, but two of them are now sitting on flat tires.
> Speaking of flat, was there ever a conclusion to the on-concrete vs
> in-the-car battery experiment?
In the last installment of the battery on concrete experiment saga, you'll
recall (or maybe you won't) that I needed two identical batteries for the
experiment and intended to buy a couple of six-volts for the '67 B I was
restoring. That car is not now being restored; it's being frantically
patched up so that it's drivable because I'll be moving shortly. However,
the bargain '69 MGBGT has been taken home by someone who will make it a
car again and it left behind its batteries. They've been charged up and,
purely by coincidence, one is sitting on concrete and one is sitting on top
of another battery. Next time I'm in the garage (tonight) tearing apart
short blocks, desperately trying to come up with enough matching parts to
make an engine, I'll try to remember to wander over to the batteries and
take their temperatures. If it takes longer than two weeks for the concrete
to make one of the batteries go flat, the experiment will have produced no
usable data because both batteries will be in a car.
Denise Thorpe, short on short blocks, but not short!