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Re: New (CA) gas & fuel leaks

Subject: Re: New (CA) gas & fuel leaks
Date: Sat, 25 May 1996 10:31:57, -0500
-- [ From: Bob Nogueira * EMC.Ver #2.10P ] --

They have been selling that "new gasoline' in Texas for about a year
now. I did have a problem when I rebuilt my SUs . The new rubber hose
which came with the Kit  from the float bowl to the jet was rubber or
plastic. Within a month of installation it dried out and cracked. I
can't say its the gas or just a cheap kit but I'm watching my other
rubber parts very carefully.

Bob Nogueira 
Dallas TX 

-------- REPLY, Original message follows --------

> Date: Friday, 24-May-96 06:45 PM
> From: Melissa Mann             \ Internet:    (
> To:   Bob Nogueira             \ PRODIGY:     (NKED65A)
> Subject: New (CA) gas & fuel leaks
> As many of you know, California has recently switched to the new =
> gasoline.  I think some of the other states have been using this new
gas =
> as well.=20
> I was wondering if anyone on the list has noticed any differences
with =
> the new gas -- in performance, gas mileage, etc.  Also, has anyone =
> gotten a fuel leak?
> I'm especially interested, because I have quite the fuel leak.  I =
> noticed it today on my way back from lunch.  Let's just say that I'm
> really glad I don't smoke!  I can also attest to the fact that the
new =
> gas smells quite a bit different than the old stuff.
> New gas, new fuel leak...coincidence?  I think not (but I don't want
to =
> jump to conclusions.)
> Anyone else?
> -- Melissa (gas is not getting to the carb., so I reckon I'll be
walking =
> home tonight!)

-------- REPLY, End of original message --------

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