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window regulators

Subject: window regulators
From: Mike Lambdin <E720LAM@TOE.TOWSON.EDU>
Date: Mon, 20 May 1996 15:47:56 -0500 (EST)
....for a '59 MGA (coupe, what else).

It seems Moss and Brit Vic don't carry the things, supposedly no longer
available. What I prefer are new, out-of-the-box, ones (if such a thing
exist). Used ones are ok, too, as long as the gearing isn't chewed-up
and the pivot hole not out of round.
I'm trying to avoid having to weld closed the teeth and pivot then ginding
and drilling them back open, to spec. Been there, done that and don't

want to do it again.

If anyone should know a source I'ld be most appreciative.


Mike Lambdin

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