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Stripping services in NYC area/MGA w\od????

Subject: Stripping services in NYC area/MGA w\od????
From: (David Deutsch)
Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 08:36:00 -0700
I'm calling upon the knowlege and experience of the list to help find 
the following info needed by Jon Rubel the President of The Eastern New 
York MGA Club. First he is looking for a stripping service to remove 
rust from body shell and is concidering a chemical dipping type 
service. Aware of Reddi-strip in Pa does any one know of companies any 
closer to NYC. Jon is also looking to talk to someone who has equipped 
the MGA with an 1800 B engine with overdrive as he is concidering this 
in his restoration agenda. Any insight in these matters will be 
appreciated and I hope the comment about MG online people's motley 
appairance was taken in jest as it had been meant to be. Thanks David 

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