Fellow SOL'ers, I posted this to our newsletter list but then thought that
perhaps more coverage was in order because in my copy of Skinned Knucles that
just arrived they repeated it and the explanation.....so I guess some folks
got Fooled!! :
Fellow editors, The April issue of Practical classics carried a brief article
on how the European Union had issued rules and regs that destroyed the
classic car movement in the UK.....they retracted this in the May issue and
explained that it was an April Fools joke.....(it was so outrageous that my
take on it was exactly that).....unfortunately, The Bulletin of the Octagon
Car Club picked up the piece and did not follow up with the explanation. At
least one newsletter that I exchange with has picked up this article and
reprinted it as the Gospel......so just a word of caution. The old car
movement in the UK is alive and well and prices are rising again.
If the EC really tried something like this I think you would find the Channel
tunnel full of water and a full scale revolt going on there.