I wrote:
> [ ... ]
> flat, high torque curve right up to the rev limit of our motor (and the
> F's 1.8 gives you 122 ft/lb @ 3000 rpm, with a redline of 6800, which
> beats whatever the B's spec is (*)). [ ... ]
This was supposed to have been a footnote, which I forgot to throw in:
Does anybody have/Has anybody seen horsepower and torque curves for the
original (i.e., nonsmog) version of the MGB's 18G B-series engine? All
I've been able to uncover is the figure "95 hp", or some such. Far more
important than the nominal rating is the _distribution_ of torque over
the rpm range. Driving impressions tell me that most of the torque is
available down low, but I'd love to see a graph.
Didn't they print these things back then?
Todd Mullins
Todd.Mullins@nrlssc.navy.mil On the lovely Mississippi (USA) Coast
'74 MGB Tourer with slight engine "modifications"
"I could go at any time..."