0> >After 3 months of rebuilding my 65B since it sat in my garage for 12 years,
> I had the hardest time getting my oil filter to stop leaking. It took
> several tries and phone calls for help before it stopped. Anybody got any
> tips on making this job REASONABLE.
>> At the risk of insulting your intelligence I offer the following....
>> Before you replace the filter make SURE the old O-rings are removed.
I use a very sharp scribe, or metal pick, and stick it right into the old
o-rings (one is on the block, the other on the adapter). This makes it easy to
pull it out. Be sure to fit the new rings in the right places, I beleive one is
smaller in cross section than the other, right? When refitting the canistor
(containing the felt element) it is important to keep it seated in place on the
adapter as you start the bolt and begin to tighten it. From underneath, use one
hand to push up on the canistor, the other to install the through-bolt. I
believe any leak problems I've had were due to the canister shifting slightly
after I had started the bolt in but before the mating surfaces were drawn
together. Easy- no, reasonable - yes.
Now, does anybody have a preference for paper filters (non-spinon) over the
felt? I've always used the felt, but have delayed an oil change befrore due to
them being out of stock at my local parts store.
Dave Culgan