Wow. Something sure went squirrelly with the MG list server. I've been
seeing followups for two days now, and only just received the original.
Will Zehring wrote:
>(long standing members of
>"british-cars" will recognize this as either Fisher's Law or as Wakeman's
>Law). That is, you get half the restoration done in the first time period,
>a quarter done in the next time period, an eight done in the next time
>period, etc.
Sounds suspiciously similar to Zeno's Arrow.
Before an object can travel a distance, it must first travel half that
distance. Then half that remainder, and so on without limit. An arrow
released from a bow will never reach its target.
Astute philosophical-minded folks will observe that it can be argued in the
other direction too. Before travelling half a distance, an object must
travel half of that half, and so on. The arrow can never even begin its
>My question is: When do you delcare that the restoration is finally done?
I say the better question is: How can you be certain you've even
started the restoration?
Jay Tilton |