It has been brought to our attention that there is a classification
called "Variant" in the AMGAR. My car is already registered as a
Variant in the AMGAR. I would highly reccoemnd that anyoen with an
MGA powered car register with the AMGAR. The reason we start this
club is that clubs like the AMGAR classify us as variants, not as the
real thing. Mr. Powell's register only covers Magnettes. It does
not cover the 1100, the MGA Coupe, or any other the myriad of other
MG hardtops. Again, I am a member of the AMGAR and in no way plan on
competeing with them for members. If people would like to read the
letters I've written to future members on-line, go to http://pages. and see that I encourage all members to stay
as members in thier current clubs. This club is too broad to do much
tech writing, and the member would still need to be part of that club
which covers the technical (and many other) aspects of thier car.