Sorry if anyone's already got this, but I didn't think my
mailer sent it properly last time. Cheers.
Help needed if I am to keep my driving licence!!
My 1978 B GT has wire wheels fitted which are obviously not
original. I don't think they were even an option on cars that
late, but I'm not sure. They are the type with 2-eared spinners
rather than the octagonal spinners on later cars.
I found recently that my speedo under-reads quite badly. This
means that an indicated 40mph is actually about 49mph and
indicated 70mph (i.e. the British speed limit!) is actually about
As I see it, this due to one of the following:
1. Wrong speedo fitted when a re-con engine was fitted (not by me)
2. New diff ratio due to new axle being fitted to allow use of wire wheels
3. Wrong overdrive (early cars were 0.802:1, later on were 0.82:1 ??)
Or a combination of all 3? I would be grateful if anyone has any ideas
as to the cause of my problem. As you can imagine, I want to get it
sorted out fairly soon.
Stephen Brook
Brunel University