Dave Keetley posted:
> Just received word from the manufacturer that the Fuel Stabilizer Series C ,
> Model C-100 is now available at a cost of $495 plus shipping (+ 6% sales tax
> NJ Residents only).
Okay, now we're talkin' turkey. If 50 people on this list donated $10
each to buy one of these things, would some chemist or engineer be willing
to try to figure out if or how it works? Where do I send my check?
Doubting Denise
I'm a "chemical engineer" and every weekend, all weekend, I "stabilize"
myself with various types of "fuel". So if you, and the other 49 people,
would send me your $10 I'll gladly spend the time determining how a
stabilizer works. As a bonus I'll even determine which fuel stabilizes
the best.
unstable Mike