What are the definitive manuals pertaining to the restoration of MGBs?
I understand there is one manual (I know not the name) in the second
edition and that one needs the first edition to do the job (unless one
wishes to spend all his bucks on Heritage Body). Does anyone wish to
part with this first edition?
=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+ Preston
Smith (prsmith@satcom.whit.org) {Retiring summer 96} Betti Ann's toys:
6 looms and 2 spinning wheels
Our toys: 94 Grand Cherokee (attached to a 27' Shasta trailer) and 93
Altima My MGB toys: '80 LE (drivable), '79 Roadster (w/o oil
pressure), '80 Roadster (inop)