On Fri, 8 Mar 1996 gerry@hostel.lincroftnj.attgis.com wrote:
> Ross Goldberg writes:
> > This makes me think... is it possible to retrofit parts from later cars in
> > my '66 MGB? From 66-80 many items were improved and I'm sure my car could
> On my currect 1963 MGB restoreation I have retrofitted the following :
> - Rear axle from a 1979 MGB (so that I can fit a rear sway bar if needed)
> - Radiator from a 1980 MGB - needs some work to get it to fit in the forward
> but it increased the cooling capacity and allowed me to use electric fans
May I suggest you make a careful list of the changes you've made now,
while it's fresh in your mind, and bequeath the list to the future owner
if you sell the car. For a couple of years after I sold my Chevy-engined
Jeepster, I'd get calls from the poor soul who bought it asking questions
like what on earth kind of car contributed the master cylinder, etc.
(What, you can't recognize a 56 Ford truck master cylinder? The pilot
bushing, well I made that -- just get you some oilite bronze...)
Who knows, if your memory is as bad as mine, the list may prove useful to
you in a few years.
Ray Gibbons Dept. of Molecular Physiology & Biophysics
Univ. of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, VT
gibbons@northpole.med.uvm.edu (802) 656-8910