Well it's still winter,
Intact pollution control systems are becoming more mandatory and more
scarce. Catalytic converters, however, are still readily available. In
Virginia, there is no exemption for missing equipment if it is still
available. So far, all equipment is still available. There are two common
scenarios of missing converters, each with its own price tag.
1. Converter removed, manifold and carburetter are original:
Buy a converter, gasket and front pipe. The front pipe w/o converter is
longer. The manifold will need to be removed and re-studded to properly
attach the converter. Check the manifold for cracks and warpage. File the
manifold/converter surface flat or the gasket will blow out. Replace the
side-cover gaskets. Double-nut the converter studs. Install all correct
exhaust hangers. Tune the car and service the choke or you will be doing all
of this over again in a year or two. DIY < $600 plus manifold, Shop Price <
$1200 plus manifold.
2. Converter removed, manifold and carburetter not original:
Whether the carb is now SU or Weber, you will need the items in #1 plus a
correct Zenith/Stromberg carb and intake/exhaust manifold to do the job
properly. Although converters have been fitted elsewhere in the exhaust to
merely comply with regulations they may either not work far from the manifold
heat or may be dangerous under the car. DIY < $1300, Shop Price < $2200.
The main reason converters have been removed is that they have cracked
from overheating due to rich-running because the normal annual tuning and
choke service has been ignored or the coolant level which turns off the choke
has been too low. Check the engine mounts and if they are toasted and the
bracket is cracked, these will need to be replaced or the engine stress will
crack the new converter. Please avoid quick-fit exhaust shops, most will fit
a converter anywhere they can and will weld the system instead of clamping
it. Choose short-term pain, long term gain.
Well, that's just the way it is.
Try to have fun,
Jeff and your friends at Motorhead
2811-B Old Lee Hwy
Fairfax, VA 22031
(800) 527-3140
When it's broken and British
Subj: Catalytic Converter Question
Date: 96-03-08 06:22:45 EST
From: black@marketsource.com (Michael S. Black)
well folks The ever lovable Christine Todd Whitman passed an emmisions bill
several months ago and it directly affects those of us in NJ. I personally
need to retro-fit my '75 B (if it turns out to be a '75 I still say it is a
'68 but with the interior stolen out of a '75) with a catalytic
converter(SP??). How would I go about doing this and anyone have a rough
guesstimate and.or done this before.
* Michael S. Black Ass. Webmaster @ t@ponline
* URL: www.taponline.com Email:black@marketsource.com
* VOX: 609-655-0369 ext 138 '75 MGB + '68 Midget MKIII