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Re: No Go

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: No Go
From: (Geoff Hargreaves)
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 1996 09:43:11 -0600
>I cannot get 73GT Started.  This all began a month ago.  Just before
>a big snowstorm, I started the car up to keep the battery charged.  I
>pulled the car out into the driveway after temp was normal.  It ran
>for a couple of miutes than died.  Would not restart, and I noticed
>that the fuel pump(Purolator Solid State) was not clicking.  I pushed
>the car back in the garage and did not try to restart, although I
>turned the ignition on and the pump was clicking again.  On
>subsequent retries the pump would  not make its normal sound, but
>would hear some faint noise from it.  Fuel is not reaching the
>filter.  I topped of the water level in the battery, and did get more
>of a sporadic  response from the pump, however not enough to move
>the fuel.  I hooked up jumpers and the car turns over but still no
>fuel.  The battery has lost power after continous tries to start.  Is
>this a problem with the pump?  Is the fuel line frozen?  Or is the
>battery the culprit?  I use to run two six volts, now running one
>battery instead.
>Newell Burke, Worcester, Mass.

I'm assuming you have sufficient gas in the tank

1) Check the charge on your battery, make sure it is at full charge.
2) Check the connections to your fuel pump.
3) Check the  GROUND where the ground wiring is bolted to the body, in the
back where the hatch latches (thats where mine is, don't know if this is
correct.). There are 3 or 4 black wires that come to a single ring and this
clamps under one of the latch adjusting bolts. MAKE SURE THIS CONNECTION IS
CLEAN!!!  I put in 2 fuel pumps before finding the ground problem.
4) Check fuel flow, if no flow, no gas, no start.

If you put in a new fuel pump, make sure it is a low pressure pump
(original is good choice, we know they are correct), other wise you will
have a flooding problem and have to put in a pressure reducer.(been there
done that).

Can you warm the garage? if so you might warm the garage above freezing for
a while and put some fuel dryer in the tank, then see if you have flow.
 It is also possible to have some crud in the lines, if after you have done
all the checking and replacing pumps etc, you still don't have flow, blow
the fuel lines out with compressed air.
Hope this helps
Geoff           73BGT, 56A, 58A Coupe

Geoffrey Hargreaves
National Ice Core Laboratory (NICL)
(303) 202-4830 wk
(303) 202-4845 Fax

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