In <>, Chad Cooper wrote:
>You do not have to use a diff. driveline for O/D. I put an O/D in my '72 as
>well, and when on the floor the to trannies are exactly the same length.
Once again. The ONLY time you need a different driveshaft is for
early cars with D type ODs.
>Make sure that the Trans. you put in has a first and second gear
lockout >switch that works this prevents O/D from being selected in first and
>gears. The higher shaft speeds of first and second gears are very bad for
>the O/D unit..
Actually, it ain't the high shaft speed, it's the high torque, which
can pop your little planet gears. Also ill-advised to shift into
reverse, which will shred your one-way clutch.
A. B. Bonds