At 09:15 24/01/96 EST, you wrote:
>hi gang,
>the response a month or two ago to my question about the speedo cable was so
>rapid and helpful, i figure i'll try again. after almost 3 years of relatively
>trouble free daily driving in my '68 b, i've run up against my first electrical
>problem. yesterday i turned the key, got the red light and fuel pump to click,
>and then turned to start and nothing. a friend push started me, and i drove
>home. at home the starter worked twice, and i decided to check the battery
>terminals. yep, corrosion on one. cleaned it, started it a couple of times,
>and thought i'd fixed it. this morning in the cold it cranked normally for
>or five seconds twice, then on the third turn of the key, dead again. i'm
>thinking an intermittent ignition switch, starter solenoid short, starter dead
>spot, or just a short somewhere in the system. battery seems strong even though
>it's old, normal cranking and then nothing - so i've counted it out. i'll
>probably try to dig into it tonight, any comments would be appreciated.
>rick huber
>'68 b daily driver
If your little red light goes out when you try to start it then its your old
old battery's finally giving up. They don't last forever you know.
Get it checked at your friendly tyre and battery place.
my tuppence worth.
Duncan C.Bull
Room D109 Physics and Astronomy Building
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
0171 391 1359
fax 0171 380 3145