On Tue, 23 Jan 1996, Denise Thorpe wrote:
> Ah HA! I was assuming that each speed would have its own park wire. That
> was dumb because park is park and 12 volts is 12 volts. Now I get it, the
> solid green wire is constant hot like the green wire in my '67 and the
> N/LG wire is park for _both_ speeds. (Jerry Causey- this Brown w/Light
> Green wire needs power when the switch is in the "off" position.) Now all
> I have to do is find out how to get power to the appropriate wires at the
> appropriate times from a pre-'66 headlight switch.
Well my 68 has the metal type dash and has the correct switch which would
fit in a pre-68 dash. (look the same just has 3 positions) It would be
factory part # BHA 4786. This switch is available from Seven for
$29.95. They sell it as the switch for the pre 68 cars (which actually
should be part # 149011) I doubt you would get it from MOSS or Vic Brit
unless you knew just what you wanted. I'm sure this switch must have
been used on other cars, It's just a matter of finding it in the junk
yard/parts bin.
This does bring up one of my pet peaves :(
Why do Moss, Vic Brit etc. insist on using thier own part numbers as
opposed to the factory numbers, (Or at the very least supply a cross
reference). I have a 68 canadian spec B which has several differences
from the US spec ones (metal dash being a key one). I have to be careful
ordering from them since I can't go by part number and have to use their
numbers. In contrast all the U.K. vendors use the factory system. (so do
Seven and TRF)
> Thank you Gary! :-)
You're quite welcome.
MasterClk__| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_|
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