Wow! I checked my bill from pierce and it was $20 extra to purchase and
install it in a new dgv.
From: craigw
Cc: mgs
Subject: RE: Dieseling
Date: Wednesday,January 03,1996 5:37PM
>Pierce manifolds caries an idle jet soleniod which you hook up to the
>ignition switch. When you turn the key off the solenoid closes the idle jet
>and the car stops. The only problem I have had is that if you do not have
>the vaccum advance hooked up, you end up screwing in the idle screw so much
>that you are actually pulling from the transitionary stage. Sounds like it
>will work fine for you though. $20 last time I checked
>Christopher Reichle
I sent for the idle cut-off solenoid. It cost a total of $50.00 including
shipping. Got the part yesterday. We'll see if this helps the run-on. Thanks
Craig Wiper