On Mon, 18 Dec 1995, Railroad2@aol.com wrote:
>Any responses you get blaming battery connections are probably right on the
>mark. I work with electricity all the time, and yet I'm always dumbfounded
>(and fooled) by bad connections in the starter system. Check the battery
>terminals and perhaps the other heavy duty connections going down to the
>starter and also the connection from the battery to chassis ground. Since
>we're dealing with a relatively high current but low voltage circuit, a
>little bit of oxidation can create a lot of electrical resistance. High
>voltage will often blast right through the crud, but 12 volts just can't cut
>it (the crap, that is). On the other hand, a nice clean positive to negative
>connection from a car battery will weld the hell out of whatever's in the way
>once all that current has a path to follow, so watch out.
>When ever friends have starter problems, I always suggest cleaning the battery
posts and if that doesn't work, take a jumper cable from the ground side of the
battery to the engine. Bad ground is the number one problem on any MG of any