> I would recommend reading the book written by Deidre Pyle, regarding the
>trip she and her husband Harry took around the world in TC 2441 in 1993.
>The book has pages 93 through 98 dedicated to modifications made to cater for
>the trip, including photographs, the title is, MG TC`s, Drive Them 'til the
>Roads Wear Out. by Deidre Pyle, ISBN 0 646 18963 8. Britbooks may have
>John [Scotty] scott.
>Adelaide, Australia.
>I must add my endorsement of Deidre Pyle's book. Britbooks does carry it. I
have seen hundreds of packing experiments including mini trailers. My wife and
use a fold down rack on the TF with soft luggage (Lucas of course ) and garbage
bags to waterproof in the rain. Wilco in NY State, use to sell a cargo net made
out of bungees which we use and love. It avoids the tie down procedure and
snaps on in seconds. The Pyles must get the grand prize for storage , packing
and spare part stowage and their book should not be missed by anyone planning a
long journey or fearful ,of one.
Mike Leckstein