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I would like to thank everybody who gave me the expert advice
considering the MGB I had to "choose" from:
Subject: (MGB '69 better than '67)
Most agreed that the overdrive should be the decisive factor. Well, I
bought it. (After a small testdrive to check if the O/D was working:
Does anyone on this list have the telephone number of MOSS Europe?
I tried the number mentioned in the "MGB Guide to purchase & DIY
restoration" but I think it is not correct anymore. I need it for
getting a parts catalogue.
Another question: After a check of the suspension I found out that
the "B" I bought doesn't have the Amstrong lever arm shocks, but tube
shocks on both axles. The tubes are coloured silver/lightblue. Is
this the famous SPAX conversion? (I'm sorry but I have not examined
it closer yet).
Bert Otten
MGB '67 "GHN3/100469"
Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut
phone +31 15 2 690 298
fax +31 15 2 690 190
e-mail: bert.otten@nni.nl