Well I finally did it, The B had a real problem all summer
long and I had no compression gage to check it with.
Went out and bought the gage this weekend and first did
the TR great! Everything did A OK!!
Tonight reluctantly, did the B, ouch!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, anybody want to take their best shot!!!!
No noise when it developed just kind of gradually lost power on a
trip to check out a midget, I was trying to negotiate a steal on!
Brought it home and did a tune up and adjusted the valves. Nada!!!!
worked on it on and off all summer, or at least untill I bought the TR.
Even thru a Weber on it to see if just maybe(knowing noway) it would
help(excuse to buy the weber,oh bought the TR same day). No excuse!!!
The thing cranks fine and beleave it or not I can make it run real nice
sitting in the garage with the clutch disengaged, but slip that clutch
in and yuk!!!!!!!
So take your best shot at a no look diagnosis, I'll do the tear down
and we'll see who comes closest, ( might as well smile about it, right).
We might as well make it interesting lets do an estimate at the same time
using your diagnosis. And oh by the way 97,000 and this is the first
tear down!!! Might make a differance as to how you look at it.
Don't be looking for the price figure for awhile, this is going to have
to be a winter project, and maybe spring to!!!
Chet in Dav Ia.
The B will be back!!!!!!!