You wrote:
>I hope you know which marque I mean as my team of high priced lawyers
>advise me not to repeat it in public where my motive might be
>misconstrued. We could do what the guys did who made "2001;" just
>slot the letters up one (instead of IBM, they had HAL). Hence, I feel
>comfortable telling you I drive a 1963 LFB.
>Will "god, I hope I can still call it a B" Zehring
Sorry Will, If you're gonna call it a LF? You're gonna have to go whole
hog and suck it in.
I hope you enjoy your 1963 LFA!
marc "lzqb fqddmhmf" greening
1968 Austin America "0857 Ztrshm Zldqhbz"
and MG1100/America PARTS