> I have noticed a problem recently with my 1975 MGB and hope that
> someone has some advice for me.
> When traveling at about 40 or more and you let off the accelerator,
> the car seems to veer to the left. Upon acceleration it will veer to
> the right. It feels as though the rear of the car is shifting one way,
> then the other. I also notice that the gear shift moves from left to
> right when you let off or give it more gas. this seems to indicate
> that the transmission is shifting in relation to the body of the car.
> I have mentioned this to a few people and it has been suggested that a
> motor mount may be loose.
> Any comments?
I'd go with Ray on this one. My midget did exactly the same until this
weekend I replaced the rear springs (which weren't too bad really) and all
the bushes and rubber pads (which were horrible and old). The problem
seems to have stopped. I too wondered for a long time if I was just imagining
that the rear end was moving around. Does it also happen on S bends, first one
way then the other ??
Andy Castellano Smith. | email: a.d.smith@umds.ac.uk
Image Processing Group. | http://www-ipg.umds.ac.uk/~as/
Cunliffe Labs, New Guy's House. | tel. : 0171 955 4208
Guy's Hospital, London SE1 9RT. | fax. : 0171 955 4913
1977 Chrome Bumper Midget "Mungo" for short.
DPO of 1975 Rubber Bumper Midget "Mary" for short.