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Overdrive and Winter storage

Subject: Overdrive and Winter storage
From: "Graham Naylor" <>
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 95 07:39:45 +0100
[This message is converted from WPS-PLUS to ASCII]


First thanks to all those who answered my question regarding 
overhauling/testing overdrives. I checked the Solenoid on the bench 
last night and could hear a distinct clonk as power was applied, my 
next question being how far should the solenoid travel ? the lever it 
is attached to if moved manually has about 1" of travel but the 
solenoid only moves about a 1/4" is this OK?

For the members asking about winter storage the is a product on the 
market called a Carcoon, this is a bubble like device that you drive 
the car into zip up and then filtered air is pumped around the cocoon. 
helping to keep the car dry and dust free.

As usual I personally have no connection with the company but if 
anyone wants an address (which is in the UK) I will be glad to help.


Graham Naylor

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