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List status

To: admin
Subject: List status
From: Mark J Bradakis <mjb>
Date: Sun, 15 Oct 1995 22:50:54 -0600
I've ugraded my operating system, name server and a few things, the lists
are now back to both real-time and digest.  We shall see how things go.


Think about what you post, do you REALLY need to send what you are saying to
hundreds of people around the world?  If it is more than a few pages, send
a short message about it, and mail it out to those who ask for it.

Cut down on the size of the included text in your replies.  And speaking
of replies:

   If you send list submissions to they will
   never be seen.

   If you send list submissions to they will
   never be seen.

   If you send list submissions to they will
   never be seen.

   If you send list submissions to they will
   never be seen.

   If you send list submissions to they will
   never be seen.

   If you send list submissions to they will
   never be seen.

Try to remember that not everyone in the world has the exact same system as
you.  Simple text, no whiz-bang special character sets, no hundreds of
character long lines or control sequences that look good on your screen,
but may come across as simple garbage on some other systems.  Try to make
some effort at presenting your thoughts in a clear and readable format.
Assuming of course, your thoughts are worth presenting.

If you want to unsubscribe from a list, send mail to
with the line

   unsubscribe <list-name>

What the characters <list-name> mean is that instead of typing <list-name>
one would type in the name of the list desired.  The names of the lists are
available by sending mail to, with the single word


as the body of the message.  One would then see the names of the lists that
majordomo recognizes.  With some thought, you may even be able to figure out
the one you are on.  Trust me, some folks find it difficult!  So, if you
wanted to unsubscribe from ax-digest, then one would type in

   unsubscribe ax-digest

One should NOT type in things like

   unsubscribe autox digest
   unsubscribe <ax-digest>
   unsubscribe [ax-digest]
   unsubscribe ax-digest-request
   unsubscribe ax digest
   unsubscribe Pat Pouille

In my occasional looking over the mail that comes in to majordomo, I am
almost always surpised by some new and innovative way of incorrectly
typing in  "unsubscribe <list>"

If you need help with majordomo, you can get the help info if you send mail
to with the word


as the body of the message.  If you spell this incorrectly, majordomo will not
understand the command and will send you the help info.

More later.


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