Fellow fiends:
Members of my local car-guy support group and I will be heading to the
Mid-Ohio racecourse on Friday, October 13 for this year's SCCA Run-offs. We
merry band (1 MGB (yes, Old Whitesides is off to the races), 4 TVRs, a
possible TR6, and one Corvette (Yeech!)) will be caravan-ing down from
Detroit. I suspect that we will spend most of our time in the area of the
esses, at the end of the so-called back straight (I can't remember turn
numbers). Our collected LBCs (please, its my brother's corvette; my mom
told me I had to be nice) will likely be parked 'iniside' that part of the
track, between a big food stand and a 'comfort' building (if you know what I
mean). Its a big big facility, and it'd be very hard to link up personally,
but I hope to see some other LBCs there. Come one, come all.
For those of you who haven't been to this event: HIGHLY recommended. If
the weather cooperates, I guarantee it will be a great great time. If the
weather doesn't cooperate it will *still* be more fun than a car show out at
some suburban park with a bunch of orthodontists dusting off their E-types
every 20 mins (OOOPS, there I go again!).
Will "hey, I like E-types**" Zehring
** I'm just not too much into E-type owners (or orthodontists)!