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Re: My car will not Idle

Subject: Re: My car will not Idle
From: (craig wiper)
Date: Wed, 04 Oct 1995 19:10:04 -0700
>I am having another problem!
 but will not idle.  I think it might be a leak in the manifold, but
>before I pull the carb out I wanted to check. Or, did I just do something

When I first got my '74 B, I had the same problem. The car would not idle,
it would just die. The intake manifold had a gasket leak. Solution: Just pop
off your manifold, replace the gaskets, and put the manifold back on,
tightening the nuts per your manual's specifications (around 25 ft. lbs.).
This solved my problem. And pulling the manifold and carbs off is not that
big of a deal. Kind of fun actually. Especially when the car works better
when your done!

Craig Wiper
early '74 MGB

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