I had a rather unpleasant experience the other night driving my 72B.
After leaving home I noticed that the lights seemed to be growing
dimmer and dimmer. I just made it home before all lights and the engine
quit. I had no warning from the idiot light that there was a problem. Now
that I think about it, I don't think the light was on when I turned on
the ignition (hmmmmm). Anyway, I pulled the alternator which I am sure is
in need of attention as I was having flickering of the idiot light for
some time now. I have a second backup unit (also in need of repair) from
a 75 and the DPO has removed the tab that identifies the model. The
original is an 16ACR 23717 for which I can find no listing but I am
interested in using the spare from the 75 which I hope is the 18ACR which
has much higher output but I need to be sure what I have. Can anyone help
me ID this? The only difference I can see is in the plug. The 75 has a
large connector with a sliding lock tab at the base. The connectors
inside the alternator are also quite different in size. Any help will be
appreciated as well as any info on what should be replaced/checked. I
assume I will need brushes and will try and check the diodes with an
ohmmeter but what about the voltage regulator?
Allan Hovis