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The Selling of an MG

Subject: The Selling of an MG
From: (W. J. Richard Criswell)
Date: Mon, 02 Oct 1995 22:29:16
On September 21st and again today Terry O'Brien announced that he 
was forced to part with his '75 Midget and that it sorta felt like 
he was cutting off his hand.

Well this brought to mind similar feelings that I suspect more than 
one of us has had. So Terry, the following is dedicated to you and 
to all you others out there who have been forced to part with your 
beloved LBC.


                by W. H. Charnock

At last the filthy thing is done,
So by the fire we sit
And talk about our future plans,
And never speak of it.

There's a baby in the Carry-cot,
Another on the stocks,
There are bills upon the mantlepiece
And me upon the rocks.

So now we shall not share with her
The roads of home again;
He is coming to collect her
On the early morning train.

The ally of her engine glows,
Her paintwork shines a mile;
When from these loving hands she goes,
By God she goes in style.

I've left the One-make badge in place,
He says he'll join the Club,
But I rather hope he doesn't
Lest we meet him in our pub.

Maybe we're sentimental fools
But too much pain we'd feel
To see that pair of clueless hands
On our familiar wheel.

I've taken off the fog lamp
And hidden it away,
To grace another classic front
Another distant day.

But it won't mean a lot by then
How prosperous we are,
For it's not by spending money
That you get to love a car.

Next week we'll have recovered
>From this small domestic stir,
But to-night beside the fire we sit
And do not speak of her.

Dick :>)
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