Civilization as we know it is doomed!
Too many of my male-gender fellows wouldn't know an lbc from...from...
well, from anything. As a general rule, men can't fix cars anymore,
and women are losing the ability to cook. Switching of traditional
roles would be alright, I suppose, if there was an increase in car-
fixing women and men who could cook. Such is not the case, though.
Personally, I would be quite comfortable in the company of women who
can rebuild an SU without a Haynes manual. That would be my idea of
a pretty cool date.
It's just too bad I don't know where to find companionship in the
physical world, such as are on this list. You ladies are rarer than
the Italian-bodied BGT's.
* Patrick M Clawson *
* Eng. Technologist *
* *