Fellow fiends:
I'm starting to think about putting stripes on Old Whitesides. I was at a
show yesterday and a few other entrants (not MGs) had pairs of stripes (one
on a TVR (that took best in class) and one on a bugeye). I gotta tell ya I
thought they looked pretty darn good with them, too. At times like this I
seek out the advice of those wiser and more experienced than myself so
naturally I turn to you folks. =:o
We are talking '63 B roadster, old english white (or is it Olde Englishe
White?), disk wheels with blackwalls, black top/tonneau, red leather
interior with black piping. My first thought would be a pair of red
stripes. Important: I'm not talking candy apple electric red, but deep deep
rich **blood** red. New model MR2s have a close version of what I'm
thinking about. Not a maroon, tho. The stripes would be seven or eight
inches wide, separated by maybe two inches, and would go right down the
center of the car (i.e. the little bulge at the front of the hood where it
meets the badge on the grille would remain body color). I would paint the
car from the bottom of the front valence to the bottom of the rear valence.
So, my questions are:
-Has anyone seen a B similarly painted and what did you think of it?
-What do you think of the color selection? (warning: it will be hard to
convince me of another one, but maybe you can).
-What do you think of the width and spacing that I propose?
-And last but by no means least: I really don't think of myself as a showey
(sp?) person and I'm a tad concerned that this stripe job would make the
car a bit too loud for a subtle and ironic guy like yours truely. Like the
song used to say: "I don't want to set the world on fire." One of the
things I like most about my early B is the general understatedness of it and
the absence of clutter (no side lights, no backup lights, etc.) and I don't
want to shatter that.
Any advice/comments/flames welcome...
Will Zehring