I'll give another plug for Kano Labs. They have a product called ExRust
that I used on a bunch of old Motorcycle parts, including chrome fenders
and the inside of a rusty tank. It worked very well for me. These are
the same folk wo make Kroil. I don't have their number handy now, but
someone on the list must. Its probably worth checking out.
Andy Ramm
'67 Midget Mk III -- The Smidgin
and, of course, I have no affilliation, blah blah blah, YMMV.
----------------Original Message Follows----------------
> A week or so ago, I posted text from an article on metal de-rusting.
> component in the best de-rusters appears to be phosphoric acid.
> Unfortunately, I can't seem to find a source for phosphoric acid (in
> than 55 gal drums). Someone said the farm feed stores had acid rinse;
> that. I can always use Naval Jelly, but it would be nice to have a 5
> bucket I could dip parts in to de rust.
> I also received an article stating that tri-sodium phosphate was a good
> stripper, and recommended drain opener (brand name Drano) as a source
of TSP.
> Unfortunately, I could only find Drano in liquid form, and this
doesn't have
> any kind of phosphate in it.
> Anybody know a possible source for TSP or phosphoric acid?
Paint stores sell something called TSP for dulling gloss paint before
painting over it. Is this tri-sodium phosphate? I thought crystal
Drano was lye. I've used it to take the accumulated food gunk off of
antique cast iron pans. Red Devil Lye drain opener is definitely lye.
Denise Thorpe
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