While you're scouring the boneyards for the old Buick 215, don't overlook any
Oldsmobiles from the same period (somewhere around '62-65). Same basic
engine with different exhaust and intake manifolds. Doesn't matter anyway
because you'll have to acquire specific exhaust manifolds to fit in the B .
There are a number of pieces that you'll have to have after you pickup the
basic engine to mate it with your car.
There is a MGB-V8 registry that can guide you through the conversion. I saw
them at University Motors' Summer party, but I didn't pickup any literature.
Perhaps a call to John Twist is in order, (616)682-0800.
Also, Ted at T.S. Imports, Pandora, Ohio is somewhat of an expert on this
subject and advertizes that he has engines and components. His number is