Well, my wife does. She helps me with my MGA. In her former life (before
becoming attached to me and becoming a SOL - or is that DOL now?), she used to
run a 8 bay garage, and has been known to crawl completely into the engine
compartment of a (ugh!!) LincolHn to work on the cylinder head.
Now she harps on me to get to work on that "A" so that we can go cruising
down life's highway. She runs a mean shop. :)
I recently took a racing drivers course at the Shannonville racetrack with
my other car (Honda Accord) and have been entertaining thoughts of running
the "A" in the vintage car races. She was going to take the course with
me, in her Camry, but didn't want to do it a car with (shudder) automatic
transmission. She has never driven the "A", my every day car at one time
(yes, through winter snows too), hence her anxiety to get it on the road
KelResearch Corporation Internet: <kel@nexus.yorku.ca>
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On Tue, 15 Aug 1995, Denise Thorpe wrote:
> Just out of curiosity, are there any other women within the sound of
> my electrons who work on cars?
> Denise Thorpe
> thorpe@kegs.saic.com