A friend of mine is building an engine for his '74 MGB. The short block
assembly is from a '74 Austin Marina 1800 (18V engine) the head is from
an MGB (possibly an earlier '18GB' type) and he is using an aftermarket
cam and lifter (cam follower) kit with 10.5" pushrods.
The problem is the pushrods are not long enough to allow him to adjust
the valves. It appears as though the pushrods are about 0.375" too short.
The shop that sold him the cam insists that he has the right lifters also.
Are there any differences between blocks and heads of different years that
would cause this problem?
Are there any pushrods that are about 10.875" available?
Are there any lifters that would give the necessary additional 0.375"?
Any other ideas?
Dave Morris