Sounds to me like the pump itself is weak -- it's not just an air leak.
You can buy rebuild kits for $30 or so -- and you can buy a brand-new SU
pump for $75 if you're as lucky as I was. Not sure if anybody on this
list is from Atlanta, but my 63 B's pump gave up the ghost on GA 400
about 1/4 mile from I-285. NOT an auspicious location for a breakdown,
especially since my car is pre-hazard lights.
I first attempted to make all the gaskets just as you did, and with the
exact same results. I have since rebuilt the entire pump and it works
just fine regardless of the gas level (now if only the car were put
together...). I keep it as a spare in the boot when I plan to drive more
than 100 miles away from home.
-- Marc