Forwarded message:
Subj: Misuse of list
Date: 95-07-02 00:19:29 EDT
From: JHranko
To: mgs@autox.team.net
Dear SOL'ers:
In recent weeks, I have noticed a disturbing pattern developing amongst the
regular users of the MG mailing list. The following are some of my complaints
and viewpoints:
First, I am seeing a lot of messages being posted that are of importance to
only one or possibly two members of the mailing list, and not to the group as
a whole. Please, folks, when responding to ONE person, send the message to
ONE person, not all of us. Don't misunderstand me, if the response would be
of interest or value to everyone, then by all means post it to everyone. The
messages which I feel should be omitted are those which basically consist of
person A stating a fact (i.e. "My top has a tear in it.) followed by a
response by person B consisting of a narrow-focused reply (i.e. "Yeah, my top
is ripped, too.) This is not a forum for two people to discuss their cars in
such a manner, in my opinion.
Second, I truly wish that others would check previous responses to a question
before posting their own. Often this is just an unneccessary repeating of
something that has been said already. I notice this particularly among AOL
and other .com users.
Third, when posting a reply, how about including enough of the original
message to remind everyone of what it stated, but please do not repost the
entire damn message!
All of these things are breaches of common netiquette, and as users of one of
the fastest growing forms of communication we have an obligiation to abide by
these rules. I have neither the time or the patience to sift through
messages which should not be posted in the first place. Thank you.
Jeremy Hranko (jh141494@oak.cats.ohiou.edu or JHranko@aol.com)
1972 MGB-GT
1975 Midget 1500