I tried to bleed the brakes in a '59 Mercedes, but no fluid or air would
pass through the r.f. wheel cylinder. Only wwhen I removed the flexible
hydraulic hose did the problem become apparent: the hose had swollen
sshut on the inside. I have since found out that this happens after
years of use, although it's possible that the introduction of silicone
fluid into an old system could exacerbate any "arteriosclerosis" in the
system because (I think) silicone fluids have additional "seal swelling
compounds" in them. I now use silicone fluids in all my old cars -
including the '59 Mercedes - and find it to be a worthwhile change. Both
of my MGBs have silicone fluid in them and no problems have arisen.
(Quick, Watson! Some wood! Knock, knock.)
Charles E. Edwards, CPA
Virginia Beach, VA