> "My" broker (who is one of us; he owns a late-50's Morgan +4 dhc) has
> suggested an investment managed by the brokerage firm he works for (which
> shall remain nameless) that is a sort of mutual fund. The problem is that
> Lucas Electronics (Electrics?) is one of the principal holdings in this
> fund. Should I buy it? This isn't the Triumphs list so its okay for me to
> make jokes about electical fires in Spits (I personally know of two), but
> seriously... would you own stock in Lucas?
> Will "taking the big ride up" Zehring
I just sent a Lucas packiin list to someone and it had the names of the
company's that it owns on it. I know Lucas-Leedex. I think they make
sensors, Lucas-Schevits they make position transdcers, and a few others.
The guy who gets me parts (low price and slow) said something about
Lucas making some OEM parts for Jap Crap, oops I mean Cars. I don't
know the financial status of the company but I know they make more that
car fire starting equipment.
Hope this helps,
- -Mark "buy high, sell low" Jurras
= =o&o