Well, I was away for the weekend camping in the pouring rain, while my MG
was ripping it's soft top! I'm hoping I can get some input from everyone to
find the best deal/quality on tops.
>From the past notes I see that someone mentioned Moss in California offering
a British top for $149.95 with the snaps fitted? How is this?
Another note mentions Prestige in England. Can anyone tell me the price and
reports on the quality etc?
Yet another note mentioned Northwest Imports (location?) Price and quality?
If anyone feels like adding their .2 cents worth, it would be most
appreciated. Right now we've got the hard top on and I hate it! I didn't
get an MG to have a hard top, as soon as our iffy weather clears up, it's off!
Thanks everyone!
Deborah Buckle
End User Analyst, Information Systems Branch
Ministry of Government Services
387-3485 (dbuckle@zeus.gs.gov.bc.ca)