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Re: octane, ruff

Subject: Re: octane, ruff
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 1995 20:42:16 -0400
89 octane gas inherently has less energy content that higher octane.. but not
enough to drop the idle so... I would second the idea that you have garbage
in the tank, including but not limited to H2O
Why are you trying to run low octane gas anyway? The B likes all the octane
it can get, at least if it's tuned right, and if you retard the timing so as
to get away with lower octane fuel it will run hotter than normal. Running a
B hot is a quick way to be buying a new head from #2-#3 cracking at the
exhaust valves, especially on a smog head.
Clean the tank, clean the float bowls, put in a gas filter if you haven't
already (and not one of those $.99 specials) and please reconsider your
choice of fuel

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