>What changes are required to convert a 1970 LHD Midget to a RHD Midget. The
>modifications I can think of offhand are:
> 1) Steering rack
> 2) Wiring harness
> 3) Dash
> 4) Brake/Clutch hydraulic lines
> 5) Choke cable?
>What else might need to be reworked? Is this feasible? Any comments
>appreciated. Thanks.
The one thing I can think of offhand would be a longer speedo cable.
* Daniel R. Ness Delphi Internet Services Corporation *
* 1030 Massachusetts Avenue *
* morrisgarage@delphi.com Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 *
* dness@delphi.com (617)441-4558 1-800-695-4005 *