Hi,Jon, well my first approach to carbs is taek em off, Take em apart
get a big-ole-can
of Chem-Tool, hold your breath, (This Stuff Stinks and stays in your
olefactories for 8 hours or so), and lower into the can with the
suppplied little parts cleaner cage, one carb will just shoe-horn into the
Gallon can of Chem-Tool, let sit for at least an hour, pull out, I
usually soak in gas afterwards to get rid of the Chem-Tool Crap, and then
look-em over, a rebuild kit at this point is a good idea, and very easy
to do. Re-assemble, I usually do one at a time till I get the hang of how
they go together, like there are only about 15-20 parts total....
As another option, find someone who has a running non-daily driver, or a
good running set of carbs and slap-em on to your car after yours are off
and see if it runs....., if so, your in business....
If the rebuild still sucks and another pair of carbs works fine, then go
the re-built route, in htat case, and if the dollars are available, send
the carbs off to Apple Hydraulics in NY, and they'll re-do em for ..?,,
ahm, someone else can fill you in htere, Apple does send out a catlogue
with pricing, Hemmings lists their prices I believe....
Sounds like everything else is the right answer....
Oh, nother Idea, is there a possibilty that the little plug in the end of
the Intake Manifold, it looks like a freeze plug, is leaking air....or
any other majot air/vacum leaks around the manifolds..?
Good luck