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Fuel Consumption

Subject: Fuel Consumption
From: Barrie Robinson <>
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2007 12:04:35 -0400
I said I would report on my next long trip..

I did 517km (320.54 miles) and consumed 45.921 litres of 89 octane 
(10% ethanol) stuff.   I did quite a lot of town type traffic and I 
would hazard at about 100 km.   Such action showed up the car's 
willingness to heat up and my gauge did creep up close to the red 
line (Today I am ordering a custom aluminium rad from Ron Davis 
Racing with a special 'mounting rails' that will allow me to move the 
electric fan to any position to suit - probably let the sticky out 
nub poke through between the pulleys.

Results are

8.9 litres per 100 km
31.73 miles per Imperial gallon
26.85 miles per US gallon

Not as good as I had hoped but it does show the drop when one does 
those busy city streets !!


Barrie Robinson
(705) 721-9060  

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